例句 |
verticesnounalso vertexespl. of vertex the highest pointOnce you reach the vertex of the mountain, the remainder of the route is all downhill. extremes, extremities, tipsacmes, apexes(or apices), apogees, capstones, climaxes, crescendos(also crescendoes or crescendi), crests, crowns, culminations, heads, heights, high noons, high-water marks, meridians, ne plus ultras, noons, noontimes, peaks, pinnacles, summits, sums, tip-tops, tops, zenithsblooms, blossoms, flood tides, flowers, glories, heydays, primescaps, ceilings, roofshighlights, highs, highspots abysses, bases, feet(also foot)minima(or minimums)bottoms, nadirs, rock bottoms |