例句 |
vestiarynoun covering for the human bodyin Gainsborough's paintings women are almost always portrayed in a varicolored vestiary of satin and silk apparel, attire, clobber(British slang), clothes, clothing, costumery, dress, duds, garments, gear, habiliment(s), habit(archaic), rags, raiment, rig, rigging, threads, toggery, togs, vestments, vesture, wear, wearables, weeds garderobe, wardrobearray, bravery, caparison, finery, gaiety(also gayety), glad rags, pretties, regalia, trimfoofaraw, frippery, gaudery, tawdry, trumpery(archaic)tatterscostume, ensemble, frock, garb, getup, guise, livery, outfitcivvies(also civies), mufticouture, prêt-à-porter(or pret-a-porter), ready-to-wear, tailoringactivewear, loungewear, outerwear, playwear, sportswearnightclothes, sleepwear, smallclothes, underclothes, underwearhaberdashery, menswear in the 14th century |