例句 |
vestigenoun a tiny often physical indication of something lost or vanisheda few strange words carved on a tree were the only vestige of the lost colony of Roanoke echo, ghost, relic, shadow, trace memento, remembrance, reminderartifactafterimage, aftertastebalance, corpse, hangover, leftover, oddment, remainder, remnant, scrapdreg(s), leavings, remain(s), residual, residue, rest the mark or impression made by a footthe fossilized vestige of a dinosaur that traversed that muddy landscape millions of years ago trace, vestige, track mean a perceptible sign made by something that has passed.trace may suggest any line, mark, or discernible effect.the killer left no traces vestige applies to a tangible reminder such as a fragment or remnant of what is past and gone.boulders that are vestiges of the last ice age track implies a continuous line that can be followed.the fossilized tracks of dinosaurs in the 15th century |