例句 |
catatonicadjective not expressing any emotiona catatonic stare was all that the neglected resident of the nursing home seemed capable of blank, deadpan, empty, expressionless, impassive, inexpressive, numb, stolid, vacant dull, vacuous, vague, vapidenigmatic(also enigmatical), impenetrable, inscrutable, mysteriousmotionless, static, still, woodenreserved, restrained, reticent, taciturnaloof, apathetic, cold, cool, detached, indifferent, phlegmatic, unresponsive demonstrative, expressive engaged, interested, responsiveactive, alive, animated, bright, busy, dynamic, effervescent, energetic, expansive, exuberant, lively, vivaciouseloquent, revealing, revelatorygestic, gesticulant, gesticulative, gesticulatory, gesturalemotional, melodramatic, theatrical(also theatric), unreserved, unrestrained in 1904 |