例句 |
tradingverbpresent participle of trade to carry on the business of buying and selling goods or other propertythe U.S. agreed to trade with China dealing, trafficking bargaining, bartering, horse-trading, negotiating, transactingauctioning, exchanging, merchandising(also merchandizing), rebuying, reselling, swappingbuying, picking up, purchasing, takingdistributing, fair-trading, marketing, peddling, retailing, selling, supplying, vending, wholesalingblack-marketing, bootlegging, fencing, smugglingcornering, engrossing, monopolizing, undersellingday-trading, investing, speculating blackballing, blacking(chiefly British), boycotting to give up (something) and take something else in returnI'll trade my chocolate chip cookie for your bag of chips changing, commuting, exchanging, shifting, substituting, swapping, switching interchangingdisplacing, replacing, supersedingceding, handing over, surrendering, yieldingreciprocating |