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operationsnounpl. of operation a specific task with which a person or group is chargeda secret operation which, if it is discovered, the government will deny any knowledge of assignments, briefs, businesses, charges, details, jobs, missions, posts burdens, chores, duties, needs, obligations, offices, requirements, responsibilitieserrands, labors, workscommitments, pledges, promisesappointments, commissions, designations, nominationscompulsions, constraints, restraints a usually fixed or ordered series of actions or events leading to a resulta specific mathematical operation is required in order to get the correct answer courses, procedures, proceedings, processes drills, routinesfashions, forms, manners, methods, modes, styles, systems, techniques, waysapproaches, arrangements, blueprints, designs, formulas(or formulae), game plans, ground plans, layouts, plans, plots, programs, projects, recipes, schemes, strategiesaccomplishments, achievements, attainments, enterprises, performances, undertakings, worksactivities, movements the act or activity of looking after and making decisions about somethinggiven the constant threat of robbery, the operation of a convenience store can be quite stressful administrations, care, charges, conducts, controls, directions, governances, governments, guidance, handlings, intendances, managements, oversights, presidencies, regulations, stewardships, superintendences, superintendencies, supervisions generalships, leaderships, rulershipsagenciesaegises(also egises), custodies, guardianships, laps, protections, trusts, tutelages, wardslogistics, machinations, manipulationscoadministrations, codirections(or co-directions) the act or practice of employing something for a particular purposea considerable amount of training is required for the operation of these new high-tech weapons systems applications, employments, exercises, plays, usages, uses exertionsreuses disuses, nonuses |