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oraladjective expressed or communicated by voicea baby's crying is usually interpreted as an oral expression of distress spoken, uttered, vocal, voiced articulated, enunciated, pronounced, sonantbreathed, chirped, drawled, gasped, intoned, mouthed, mumbled, murmured, muttered, purred, shouted, spluttered, sputtered, squeaked, whispered nonvocal inarticulatemute, quiet, silentunexpressed, unsaid, unspoken, unuttered, unvoicedsurd, voiceless made or carried on through speaking rather than in writinglawyers for the plaintiff will be presenting oral arguments before the Supreme Court next week nuncupative, spoken, unwritten, verbal, viva voce, word-of-mouth consensual, implicit, informalarticulated, verbalizedgiven, pronounced, said, sounded, stated, told, voiced paper, written explicit, formal in 1597 |