例句 |
atavisticadjective formalvery primitive—used to describe feelings or qualities that human beings have had from the earliest timesatavistic instincts reverting to atavistic behavior bygone, erstwhile, former, historic, historical, late, old-world, pastantiquated, archaic, dated, démodé, demoded, fossilized, kaput(also kaputt), medieval(also mediaeval), moribund, mossy, moth-eaten, neolithic, Noachian, obsolete, outdated, outmoded, out-of-date, outworn, passé, prehistoric(also prehistorical), rusty, Stone Age, superannuatedaging(or ageing), obsolescentdiscarded, disused, inoperable, unusable, unworkable, uselessdead, defunct, expired, extinct, vanisheddormant, fallow, free, idle, inactive, inert, inoperative, latentancient, antediluvian, antique, dateless, fusty, musty, oldoldfangled, old-fashioned, old-time, retro, vintageaged, age-old, hoary, venerable contemporary, current, mod, modern, new, newfangled, new-fashioned, present-day, recent, ultramodern, up-to-date, up-to-the-minutefreshmodernized, refurbished, remodeled, renewedfunctional, operable, operational, workableactive, alive, busy, employed, functioning, operating, operative |