例句 |
gracefulnessnoun dignified or restrained beauty of form, appearance, or stylea home decorated with all of the gracefulness you'd expect of a fashion designer impressed by the gracefulness of the antebellum mansion class, classiness, courtliness, elegance, elegancy, fineness, grace, handsomeness, majesty, refinement, stateliness augustness, brilliance, gloriousness, glory, grandeur, grandness, lavishness, luxuriance, luxuriousness, luxury, magnificence, nobility, nobleness, opulence, ornateness, plushiness, plushness, resplendence, resplendency, richness, splendor, sumptuousnessartfulness, chic, polish, sophistication, taste, tastefulnesschoiceness, classicism, dignity, exquisiteness, restraint, simplicityaffectedness, grandiosity, ostentation, ostentatiousness, pretentiousness, showiness gracelessness, inelegance coarseness, crudeness, flamboyance, flashiness, garishness, gaudiness, glitz, grotesqueness, grotesquerie(also grotesquery), kitsch, tastelessness, tawdriness, vulgarity |