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gradesnounpl. of grade an individual part of a process, series, or rankingjust one grade removed from completion chapters, cuts, degrees, inches, notches, pegs, phases, places, points, stages, steps angles, aspects, facets, sidesamounts, measures, planesdecrements, increments degree of excellenceonly motor oil of the highest grade for his fancy sports car calibers(or calibres), classes, qualities, rates hallmarksmarksfootings, places, positions, ranks, standings, statures, statusesbenchmarks, criteria(also criterions), measures, pars, standards, touchstones, yardsticks one of the units into which a whole is divided on the basis of a common characteristicthere are various grades of wool to consider when selecting a fabric brackets, categories, classes, classifications, divisions, families, genera(also genuses), groups, kinds, leagues, orders, ranks, rubrics, sets, species, tiers, types descriptions, feathers, ilks, kidneys, likes, manners, natures, sortsbranches, sections, specialities, specialties, subclasses, subdivisions, subgroups, subspecieses, varietiesbreeds, racesgenerationsheadings, labels, titles something set up as an example against which others of the same type are comparedthat painting just doesn't make the grade barometers, bars, benchmarks, criteria(also criterions), gold standards, marks, measures, metrics, pars, standards, touchstones, yardsticks cases, examples, instancesaverages, norms, rulesacmes, apexes(or apices), meridians, peaks, pinnacles, summits, zeniths aberrations, abnormalities, deviations the degree to which something rises up from a position level with the horizonthe hill rises at a seven percent grade cants, diagonals, gradients, inclinations, inclines, leans, pitches, rakes, slants, slopes, upgrades ascents, banks, climbs, rises declensions, declinations, declines, declivities, descents, dips, downgrades, falls, hangings, hangs gradesverbpresent tense third-person singular of gradeto arrange or assign according to typegrade these apples "extra fancy" and those "fancy" assorts, breaks down, categorizes, classes, classifies, codifies, compartmentalizes, compartments, digests, distinguishes, distributes, groups, pegs, places, ranges, ranks, relegates, separates, sorts, types arrays, disposes, draws up, marshals(also marshalls), orders, organizes, systematizesalphabetizes, catalogs(or catalogues), files, indexes, lists, referspigeonholes, shelvesidentifies, recognizesculls, screens, sets, sieves, sifts, winnowsclumps, clusters, colligatesrecategorizes, reclassifies, regroupssubcategorizes confuses, disarranges, jumbles, lumps, mixes (up), scramblesmisclassifies, missorts, mistypes to take or have a certain position within a group arranged in vertical classesbelieve it or not, that music grades pretty high with young teens is, places, ranks, rates, stands seedscountscategorizes, classes, classifies, codifies, compartmentalizes, groups, separates, sets, sortsinstalls, instates |