例句 |
graftnoun dishonest activity in which people with power (such as political leaders) use their position and influence to get money and advantagesThe newspaper published a series of articles exposing graft in the city government. embezzlement, embezzling, misapplication, misappropriation, peculationlarceny, robbery, stealing, theft, thieveryburglary, housebreakingpetit larceny, petty larcenyfilching, pilferage, pilfering, purloining, shopliftingabduction, carjacking, hijacking(also highjacking), kidnapping(also kidnaping), shanghaiingdespoilment, despoliation, looting, pillage, plundering, rapine, spoliationpoaching, rustlingblack marketeering, smugglingbanditry, piracy in the 14th century |