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graphicnoun something that visually explains or decorates a textthe use of graphics in the text of the dictionary helps to break up the visual monotony of the page diagram, figure, illustration, plate, visual art, artworkdrawing, illumination, image, pictogram, pictograph, picturecaption, key, legendinsetdepiction, pictorialization, portrait, portrayal, representationclarification, elucidation, explanation, explication, exposition graphicadjectivealso graphicalproducing a mental picture through clear and impressive descriptionthe report offered many graphic details about the devastating earthquake that rocked the area delineated, pictorial, picturesque, visual, vivid depicted, descriptive, expressiveconcrete, explicit, specificfaithful, lifelike, natural, photographic, realisticfresh, incisive, sharp indeterminate, nebulous, obscure, sketchy, unclear, vaguebleary, blurry, dark, dim, faint, foggy, fuzzy, hazy, indefinite, indistinct, indistinguishable, muddy, murky, shadowlike, shadowyambiguous, cryptic, dark, enigmatic(also enigmatical), equivocal, inscrutable, mysterious consisting of or relating to picturesgot a degree in graphic design imaginal, pictorial, visual photographic, videodrawn, painted, representedillustrational, illustrativehieroglyphic(also hieroglyphical), iconographic(or iconographical), ideogramic(or ideogrammic), ideogrammatic, ideographic, pictographic adj.graphic, vivid, picturesque mean giving a clear visual impression in words.graphic stresses the evoking of a clear lifelike picture.a graphic account of combat vivid suggests an impressing on the mind of the vigorous aliveness of something.a vivid re-creation of an exciting event picturesque suggests the presentation of a striking or effective picture composed of features notable for their distinctness and charm.a picturesque account of his travels in 1637 |