例句 |
athwartadverb from one side to the other of an intervening spaceafter it enters the Gulf of Mexico, the hurricane is predicted to advance athwart to the Texas coastline across, over, through clear in a line or direction running from corner to cornerwe hung the twisted strips of crepe paper athwart to the floor and ceiling so that they formed giant crosses on all four walls bias, cornerways, cornerwise, crossways, crosswise, diagonally, kitty-corner(also catty-corner or catercorner or kitty-cornered or catty-cornered or catercornered), obliquely, transversely across on the bias, on the diagonal lengthwise, longitudinally athwartprepositionto the opposite side ofathwart the road was farmland as far as the eye could see across, over, through around, roundbeyond, past in the 15th century |