例句 |
atomsnounpl. of atom a very small piecegive me just one atom of information about the novel's surprise ending bits, crumbs, dribbles, flecks, flyspecks, grains, granules, molecules, morsels, motes, nubbins, nuggets, particles, patches, scraps, scruples, snippets, snips, specks, tittles aces, dabs, dashes, driblets, drops, fractions, haets(chiefly Scottish), halfpence(or halfpennies), ha'pennies, iotas, jots, kennings(chiefly Scottish), licks, minims, mites, modicums, nutshells, ounces, pinches, shreds, smatters, smidgens(also smidgeons or smidgins or smidges), spots, strains, streaks, suspicions, tastes, touches, traces, whispers, whitsbites, mouthfuls, nibbles, tidbits(also titbits)fragments, parts, portions, sectionschips, flakes, shards, shivers, slivers, splintersclippings, parings, shavingssmithereens chunks, gobs, hunks, lumps, slabsabundances, barrels, buckets, bushels, deals, heaps, loads, masses, mountains, pecks, piles, pots, profusions, quantities, rafts, scads, stacks, volumes, wads, wealths |