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ceremonialadjective following or agreeing with established form, custom, or rulesa ceremonial presentation of the ambassador's credentials ceremonious, conventional, formal, orthodox, regular, routine authorized, certified, official, sanctionedaccepted, correct, decorous, genteel, nice, polite, proper, respectable, seemlyformalistic, ritual, ritualisticmethodical(also methodic), orderly, systematic casual, freewheeling, informal, irregular, unceremonious, unconventional, unorthodox unauthorized, unofficialgraceless, improper, inappropriate, incorrect, indecorous, inept, infelicitous, unapt, unbecoming, unfit, unhappy, unseemly, unsuitable ceremonialnounan oft-repeated action or series of actions performed in accordance with tradition or a set of rulesthe funeral of a pope is usually marked by rich pageantry and elaborate ceremonials ceremony, form, formality, observance, rite, ritual, solemnity amenities, civility, decorum, etiquette, graces, proprietiesprotocolconvention, custom, habit, manners, mores, practice(also practise), standard, tradition, waycelebration, service adj.ceremonial, ceremonious, formal, conventional mean marked by attention to or adhering strictly to prescribed forms.ceremonial and ceremonious both imply strict attention to what is prescribed by custom or by ritual, but ceremonial applies to things that are associated with ceremoniesa ceremonial offering , ceremonious to persons given to ceremony or to acts attended by ceremony.made his ceremonious entrance formal applies both to things prescribed by and to persons obedient to custom and may suggest stiff, restrained, or old-fashioned behavior.a formal report the headmaster's formal manner conventional implies accord with general custom and usageconventional courtesy and may suggest a stodgy lack of originality or independence.conventional fiction in the 14th century |