例句 |
certaintynoun a state of mind in which one is free from doubtI have full certainty that I'll pass the test assurance, assuredness, certitude, cocksureness, confidence, conviction, doubtlessness, face, positiveness, satisfaction, sureness, surety authoritarianism, dogmatismdecisiveness, determination, firmness, purposefulness, resoluteness, resolution, resolve doubt, incertitude, nonconfidence, uncertainty hesitancy, hesitation, indecisiveness, irresolutiondisbelief, incredulity, unbeliefanxiety, concern, misgivingdistrust, mistrust, suspicion the quality or state of being impossible to avoid or evadethe proverbial certainty of death and taxes certainty, certitude, conviction mean a state of being free from doubt.certainty and certitude are very close; certainty may stress the existence of objective proofclaims that cannot be confirmed with scientific certainty , while certitude may emphasize a faith in something not needing or not capable of proof.believes with certitude in an afterlife conviction applies especially to belief strongly held by an individual.holds firm convictions on every issue in the 14th century |