例句 |
chambernoun an area within a building that has been set apart from surrounding space by a wallthe inner chamber is the president's private office apartment, cell, closet, room accommodation, bay, berth, booth, cabin, compartment, cubiclealcove, niche, nook, recesssnuggery(chiefly British) one of the parts into which an enclosed space is dividedif the camera doesn't work, check to see that the battery has been properly installed in its chamber bay, cabin, cell, compartment, cube, cubicle cubbyhole, pigeonhole, snuggery(chiefly British)alcove, niche, nook, recesscabinet, drawer, lockercavity, hole, hollowbooth, box, crib, loge, stallbunker, crypt, vault a group of persons formally joined together for some common interestjoined the local chamber of commerce association, board, brotherhood, club, college, congress, consortium, council, fellowship, fraternity, guild(also gild), institute, institution, league, order, organization, society, sodality collective, commune, community, cooperativealliance, bloc, camp, coalition, partnershipbody, cadre, groupcircle, clan, clique, coterie, junta, junto, klatch(also klatsch), lot, setcrew, outfit, party, squad, teambranch, chapter, localfaithful, fold, membershipsisterhood, sororitycabal, camarilla, camorra, confederacy, conspiracyband, gang, ringcartel, combine, syndicate chamberverbto provide with living quarters or shelterchambered the lost hikers in the barn until the next morning accommodate, bestow, billet, bivouac, board, bunk, camp, domicile, encamp, harbor, house, lodge, put up, quarter, roof, room, shelter, take in ensconce, home, roost, secure, shed, stable, tentbarrackbed (down) eject, evict in the 13th century |