例句 |
a touchphrase to some degree or extentI love the display, but the frame is a touch askew. enough, fairly, kindly(chiefly Southern), kind of, like, moderately, more or less, pretty, quite, rather, relatively, something, somewhat, sort of acceptably, decently, passably, tolerablylittle, negligibly, nominally, slightly, vaguelyhalf, halfway, incompletely, part, partially, partly, partway a bit, after a sort, a little, a mite, a tad, of sorts(or of a sort), to a degree awfully, beastly, deadly, especially, exceedingly(also exceeding), exceptionally, extremely, frightfully, greatly, heavily, highly, hugely, mightily, mortally, particularly, surpassingly, terribly, veryconsiderably, extensively, significantly, substantially |