

单词 vile
例句 vileadjective

not conforming to a high moral standard; morally unacceptablea vile plot to murder their political enemies

bad, black, dark, evil, immoral, iniquitous, nefarious, rotten, sinful, unethical, unlawful, unrighteous, unsavory, vicious, villainous, wicked, wrong

base, contemptible, despicable, dirty, disreputable, evil-minded, ignoble, ill, infernal, low, mean, snide, sordidatrocious, cruel, infamous, nastyblamable, blameworthy, censurable, objectionable, obscene, offensive, reprehensiblecorrupt, debased, debauched, degenerate, depraved, dissolute, libertine, loose, low-minded, perverted, reprobate, scrofulous, sick, unhealthycursed(also curst), cussed, defiling, noxious, pernicious, pestilential, ugly, ungodly, unwholesomebanned, barred, condemned, discouraged, forbidden, illegal, interdicted, outlawed, prohibited, proscribed, unauthorized, uncleandisallowedexecrable, lousy, miserable, wretchederrant, erring, fallen, unprincipled, unscrupulousimproper, incorrect, indecent, indecorous, naughty, unbecoming, unseemly, vulgardishonest, dishonorable

decent, ethical, good, honest, honorable, just, moral, right, righteous, sublime, upright, virtuous

elevated, high, high-minded, law-abiding, legitimate, lofty, noble, principled, reputable, scrupulousallowed, authorized, legal, licensed, permissible, permittedapproved, endorsed(also indorsed), sanctionedabetted, encouraged, promoted, supportedclean, correct, decent, decorous, exemplary, proper, seemlyblameless, commendable, creditable, guiltless, legitimatechaste, immaculate, incorruptible, innocent, inoffensive, irreproachable, lily-white, perfect, pure, spotless, squeaky-clean, uncorrupted, unerring, unfallen, unobjectionable, venerable, white, wholesomeesteemed, respected, upstanding, worthy

not following or in accordance with standards of honor and decencya vile trick to play on someone

base, contemptible, currish, despicable, detestable, dirty, dishonorable, execrable, ignoble, ignominious, low, low-down, low-minded, mean, nasty, paltry, snide, sordid, wretched

bad, black, evil, foul, immoral, iniquitous, miscreant, wicked, wrongcruel, viciousblamable, blameworthy, censurable, reprehensiblecorrupt, debased, debauched, degenerate, depraved, dissolute, pervertedatrocious, villainousunethical, unprincipled, unscrupulousdiscreditable, disgraceful, disreputable, shameful, unworthy

high, high-minded, honorable, lofty, noble, straight, upright, venerable, virtuous

ethical, honest, just, principled, righteous, right-minded, scrupulouscommendable, excellent, exemplary, good, moral, rightdecent, proper, reputable, respectable, seemlyblameless, guiltlessincorruptible, irreproachableuncorrupted, unerring

unpleasant to look atan outfit with a truly vile combination of colors

grotesque, hideous, homely, ill-favored, monstrous, ugly, unappealing, unattractive, unbeautiful, uncomely, unhandsome, unlovely, unpleasing, unpretty, unsightly

abhorrent, abominable, appalling, awful, disgusting, distasteful, dreadful, gross, horrible, horrid, loathsome, nauseating, nauseous, noisome, repellent(also repellant), repugnant, repulsive, revolting, sickeningfrumpish, frumpy, plain, unaesthetic, unbecoming, unshapely

aesthetic(also esthetic or aesthetical or esthetical), attractive, beauteous, beautiful, bonny(also bonnie, chiefly British), comely, cute, drop-dead, fair, fetching, good-looking, goodly, gorgeous, handsome, knockout, lovely, pretty, ravishing, seemly, sightly, stunning, taking, well-favored

shapelyimposing, impressive, prepossessing

base, low, vile mean deserving of contempt because of the absence of higher values.base stresses the ignoble and may suggest cruelty, treachery, greed, or grossness.base motiveslow may connote crafty cunning, vulgarity, or immorality and regularly implies an outraging of one's sense of decency or propriety.refused to listen to such low talkvile, the strongest of these words, tends to suggest disgusting depravity or filth.a vile remark

in the 14th century





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