例句 |
visibilitynoun the degree to which someone or something can be seenWhen cycling at night, it's a good idea to wear reflective clothing to enhance your visibility to drivers. apparentness, observabilitybrightness, brilliance, effulgence, luminosity, luminousnessdefinition, resolution, sharpnessclarity, clearness, limpidity, limpidness, lucency, translucence, translucency, transparency fogginess, haziness, milkiness, mistiness, murkinesscloudiness, opacity, opaqueness, turbidity, turbidness the state of being publicly acknowledged or knownThe company hoped that the advertising deal would give their brand greater visibility. distinction, eminence, glory, greatness, honor, illustriousness, note, preeminence, prominencecachet, place, position, prestige, rank, standing, stature, statuscelebrity, fame, notoriety, renowninfamycharacter, mark, name, report, reputability, reputation, reputemegastardom, popularity, stardom, superstardomacclaim, accolade, acknowledgment(or acknowledgement), homage, kudos, laurels, praise, recognitionadoration, idolization anonymity, oblivion, obscureness, obscuritydisgrace, dishonor, disrepute, ignominy, odium, opprobrium, shameinconspicuousness, invisibilityunpopularity in the 15th century |