例句 |
visitsnounpl. of visit a temporary residing as another's guestmy aunt always looks forward to her weeklong annual visit with her mother a coming to see another briefly for social or business reasonscame by for a quick visit calls, visitations drop-ins, stopoversget-togethers, meetings, rendezvous, trysts visitsverbpresent tense third-person singular of visitto make a social call uponthe club ladies make a point of visiting everyone who moves into the neighborhood calls (on or upon), drops in (on), sees looks up, seeks (out)drops by brushes (aside or off), cold-shoulders, ignores, snubs to reside as a temporary guestan old friend who comes to visit for a month every summer crashes(slang), sojourns, stays, tarries comes by, comes over, drops by, drops in, runs in, steps in, stops (by)frequents, hangs (around or out), hauntsinhabits, occupies abides, dwells, lives, resides to engage in casual or rambling conversationtries to visit with her best friend on the phone at least once a week babbles, blabs, cackles, chaffers(British), chats, chatters, chins(slang), converses, gabbles, gabs, gases(or gasses), jabbers, jaws, kibitzes(also kibbitzes), natters, palavers, patters, prates, prattles, raps, rattles, runs on, schmoozes(or shmoozes), talks, twitters gossips, tattlesdescants, discusses, expatiatesyaks(also yacks), yammers, yaps blows smoke, chews the fat(also chews the rag), shoots the breeze, talks a blue streak to go to or spend time in oftenvisit Ireland for a few weeks every year affects, frequents, habituates, hangs (at), haunts, resorts (to) patronizesattends, takes ininfests, invades, overruns, swarmscalls (on or upon), drops by, drops in, pops (in), runs (in), stops (in or by)camps (out in), sojourns (at), stays (at), stops (over), tarries (in) avoids, shuns dodges, ducks, eludes, escapes, eschews, evades, shakes to make a brief visitstopped to visit with my father on the way out of town calls, comes by, comes over, drops by, drops in, pops (in), runs in, runs (over), steps in, stops (by or in) barges (in)looks up, seesbops (into), happens (by)frequents, hangs (at), haunts, resorts (to) |