例句 |
out-and-outadjective having no exceptions or restrictionsan out-and-out cheater at every game she plays her story is not just an exaggeration, it's an out-and-out lie absolute, all-out, arrant, blank, blooming(chiefly British), bodacious(Southern & Midland), categorical(also categoric), clean, complete, consummate, cotton-picking, crashing, damn, damned, dead, deadly, definite, downright, dreadful, fair, flat, flat-out, outright, perfect, plumb, profound, pure, rank, regular, sheer, simple, stark, stone, straight-out, thorough, thoroughgoing, total, unadulterated, unalloyed, unconditional, unmitigated, unqualified, utter, very authentic, classic, genuine, real, veritableconstant, endless, eternal, perpetual, undying, unremittingextreme, unrestrictedconfirmed, habitual, hopeless, inveterateextraordinary, frightful, horrible, huge, main, superlative, supreme, surpassing, terrible, terrific doubtful, dubious, equivocal, qualified, questionable, restricted, uncertain trying all possibilitiesmounted an out-and-out effort to find the lost child all-out, clean, complete, comprehensive, exhaustive, full-scale, thorough, thoroughgoing, total broad, extensive, far-reaching, in-depth, sweeping, wide, wide-ranginggeneral, global, inclusive, methodical(also methodic), systematicno-holds-barred, unhampered, unrestrained aimless, desultory, haphazard, hit-or-miss, randomcursory, shallow, slipshod, superficiallimited, narrow, restricted in 1813 |