例句 |
outbreaknoun a sudden and usually temporary growth of activitythere was an immediate outbreak of paper shuffling and a pretense of work when the supervisor passed through the room burst, flare, flare-up, flash, flicker, flurry, flutter, outburst, spurt recrudescence, recurrence, renewalbinge, jag, spreeboost, increase, pickup, upswing, upturnepidemic, eruption, explosion, paroxysmdeluge, flood, rush, spate, surge, volleycommotion, furor, uproar calm, doldrums, slump open fighting against authority (as one's own government)the government quelled the outbreak with ruthless efficiency insurgence, insurgency, insurrection, mutiny, rebellion, revolt, revolution, rising, uprising coup, coup d'état(or coup d'etat), overthrowmisprision, sedition, treachery, treasonsabotage, subversion counterinsurgency, counterrevolution in 1562 |