例句 |
outclassverb to be greater, better, or stronger thana tennis player who outclassed the competition, breezing through the tournament without losing a set beat, better, eclipse, exceed, excel, outdistance, outdo, outgun, outmatch, outshine, outstrip, overtop, surpass, top, tower (over), transcend one-up, outpace, outrace, outrun, overpassbest, clobber, conquer, crush, defeat, drub, lick, master, outcompete, outperform, overcome, overmatch, prevail (over), rout, shame, skunk, subdue, surmount, thrash, trim, triumph (over), trounce, wallop, whip, win (against), worstoutbalance, outweigh, overbear, overshadow, trump go one better, run circles around(or run rings around) lose (to) in 1870 |