例句 |
grazeverb1 to feed on grass or herbscows grazing in the meadow browse, forage, pasture, rustle eat, feed, nibblerange, stockovergraze grazeverb2to damage by rubbing against a sharp or rough surfaceI grazed my elbow diving for the ball abrade, scrape, scratch, scuff bark, skinchafe, fret, gallclaw, cut, laceratebruise, contuse polish, smooth, soften, wax to pass lightly across or touch gently especially in passingthe volleyball just grazed my face, so I'm okay brush, kiss, nudge, shave, skim bump, contact, scrape, sideswipe, strike, sweep, swipe, touchbounce, carom, glance, rebound, ricochet, skipcaress, cuddle, fondle, love, pat, pet, strokemiss, skirt bang, bash, bump, clash, collide, crash, hit, impact, impinge, knock, punch, ram, slam, slap, smack, smash, swipe, thud, thwack, whack grazenounan area of skin roughened or worn away by harsh rubbing against another surfacea stumble that resulted in nothing more serious than a graze on the knee before the 12th century |