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grindsnounpl. of grind a harsh grating soundthe grind of ice in the blender sent the cat running from the room creaks, jars, rasps, scrapes, scratches clangors, clangs, clanks, clashes, janglesscuffscroaks, garglesblasts, bleats, brays, screeches a person slavishly devoted to intellectual or academic pursuitsdon't be such a grind—go out with your friends and enjoy yourself bookworms, dinks(slang), dorks(slang), geeks, nerds, swots(British), weenies, wonks double-domes, eggheads, highbrows, intellectualsbrains, geniuses(or genii)academics, bookmen, scholarsgearheads, techies goldbricks, goof-offs, slackers, underachieverslowbrows very hard or unpleasant workyard work is a real grind donkeyworks, drudgeries, drudges, fatigues, labors, moils, slaveries, sweats, toils, travails spadeworksefforts, exertions, pains, struggles, troubleschores, duties, jobs, obligations, responsibilitiesroutines, tediums, treadmills fun, plays decompressions, eases, leisures, relaxations, reposes, restsamusements, dalliances, diversions, entertainments, recreations, sportsdormancies, inactivities, inertias an established and often automatic or monotonous series of actions followed when engaging in some activitythe daily grind of a 50-mile commute was getting old drills, grooves, locksteps, patterns, rotes, routines, ruts, treadmills daily dozens, regimenshousekeepingscustoms, fashions, habits, practices(also practises), tricks, wontsapproaches, manners, methods, procedures, strategies, styles, tacks, techniques, waysdesigns, plans, programs, schemesconventions, policies, traditions grindsverbpresent tense third-person singular of grindto make smooth by frictionafter they are ground and polished, these stones can be used for jewelry buffs, files, hones, rasps, rubs, sands planes, scrapessandblasts, scoursburnishes, dresses, glosses, polishes, shines, smooths(also smoothes)edges, hones, sharpens, strops, whetsregrinds coarsens, roughens, roughs (up), scuffs to press or strike against or together so as to make a scraping soundeveryone in the car winced when the driver ground the gears trying to shift into second crunches, gnashes, grates, grits, scrapes, scrunches creaks, groans, moans, rasps, scratches, whinesclashes, collides, jangles, jars to make sharp or sharperbetter grind down that ax before you even think about trying to cut down that tree edges, hones, sharpens, stones, strops, whets files blunts, dulls buffs, burnishes, glosses, polishes, rounds, smooths(also smoothes) to make smooth or glossy usually by repeatedly applying surface pressureused the finest polishing paper he could to grind down the facets of the diamond before dusting it with a soft cloth buffs, burnishes, dresses, furbishes, glosses, polishes, rubs, shines, smoothens, smooths(also smoothes) sleeks, slickscoats, glazes, japans, lacquers, varnishesfaces, finishes, veneersbrightensfiles, rasps, sandblasts, sandpapers, sands, scours, scrapes, scrubsbobs, bones, laps roughens, roughs (up), ruffles, scuffs (up) to pass roughly and noisily over or against a surfaceground the rock against the stone wall grates, rasps, scrapes, scratches rubsgroans, whines glides, skates, slides to reduce to fine particlesgrind whole coffee beans if you want the freshest coffee atomizes, beats, brays, comminutes, crushes, disintegrates, mills, mulls, pounds, powders, pulverizes grates, kibblescrumbles, crunchesbreaks, busts, dashes, fractures, fragmentsshatters, smashes, splintersmicronizes |