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gripenoun an expression of dissatisfaction, pain, or resentmentI would rather not listen to gripes about your latest disasters in the dating game beef, bitch, bleat, carp, complaint, fuss, grievance, grouch, grouse, grumble, holler, kvetch, lament, miserere, moan, murmur, plaint, squawk, wail, whimper, whine, whinge(British), yammer challenge, demur, expostulation, kick, niggle(chiefly British), objection, protest, quibble, remonstrance, stink commendation, compliment, plauditacclaim, applause, praiseapproval, endorsement(also indorsement), sanction gripeverbto disturb the peace of mind of (someone) especially by repeated disagreeable actsconstant complaints from the customers griped her to the point where she started snapping back aggravate, annoy, bother, bug, burn (up), chafe, eat, exasperate, frost, gall, get, grate, hack (off), irk, irritate, itch, nark(British), nettle, peeve, persecute, pique, put out, rasp, rile, ruffle, spite, vex hassle, hecklenaginflame(also enflame), provoke, rousebadger, bait, bullyrag(also ballyrag), devil, hagride, harass, harry, pester, plague, teaseanger, antagonize, enrage, incense, infuriate, madden, rankle, roilagitate, discomfort, discompose, disquiet, distress, exercise, freak (out), fret, perturb, undo, unhinge, unsettle, upset, worryaffront, insult, miff, offend, outrage get one's goat, get on one's nerves, get to, rub the wrong way, set one's teeth on edge, stick in one's craw, wear on appease, conciliate, mollify, oblige, pacify, placate, propitiatedelight, gladden, gratify, please, satisfyassure, cheer, comfort, console, content, quiet, reassure, solace, soothe to express dissatisfaction, pain, or resentment usually tiresomelyher tendency to gripe constantly drove everyone away beef, bellyache, bitch, bleat, carp, caterwaul, complain, crab, croak, fuss, grizzle, grouch, grouse, growl, grumble, grump, holler, inveigh, keen, kick, kvetch, maunder(chiefly British), moan, murmur, mutter, nag, repine, scream, squawk, squeal, wail, whimper, whine, whinge(British), yammer, yawp(or yaup), yowl object (to), protest, quarrel (with)cavil, quibblefret, stew, worryblubber, cry, sobbemoan, bewail, deplore, lament kick up a fuss(or kick up a stink) crow, delight, rejoice accept, bear, countenance, endure, take, tolerateapplaud, cheer, commend before the 12th century |