

单词 grit
例句 gritnoun

the strength of mind that enables a person to endure pain or hardshipshe was an athlete with true grit, continuing her training despite bad weather and an injury

backbone, constancy, fiber, fortitude, grittiness, guts, intestinal fortitude, pluck, spunk

determination, purposefulness, resoluteness, resolutionbravery, courage, courageousness, daring, dauntlessness, doughtiness, fearlessness, gallantry, greatheartedness, intrepidity, intrepidness, nerve, stoutness, valorendurance, forbearance, stamina, sufferance, toleranceheart, mettle, spiritaudacity, boldness, brass, cheek, chutzpah(also chutzpa or hutzpah or hutzpa), effrontery, gall, hardihood, nerve, nerviness, temerity


indecisiveness, irresoluteness, irresolution, vacillationcowardice, cowardliness, cravenness, dastardliness, faintheartedness, pusillanimity, timidity, timorousness


to press or strike against or together so as to make a scraping soundthe crash victim gritted his teeth as a way of coping with the pain

crunch, gnash, grate, grind, scrape, scrunch

creak, groan, moan, rasp, scratch, whineclash, collide, jangle, jar

before the 12th century





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