例句 |
groovedverbpast tense of groove to mark with or as if with a line or grooveif you groove that piece of wood, we should be able to fit this smaller board into it scored, scribed, seamed abraded, filed, grazed, milled, rasped, scarified, scratchedbeveled(or bevelled), chamfered, fluted to form a pleasing relationshipsurprisingly, his flighty, artistic sensibility and her no-nonsense practicality groove together rather well agreed, assorted, blended(also blent), chimed, chimed in, conformed, consorted, coordinated, harmonized balanced, correlated, corresponded, dovetailed, hung together, matchedmet, paralleledbonded, coalesced, cohered, conjoined, fused, merged, squared, tallied clashed, collided, conflicted contradicted, contrasted, countered, differed, diverged, jarredcanceled (out)(or cancelled (out)), counteracted, negated, offset |