例句 |
character assassinationnoun the making of false statements that damage another's reputationthe actor's lawyers charge that the tabloid engaged in a deliberate campaign of character assassination aspersing, blackening, calumniation, calumny, defamation, defaming, libel, libeling(or libelling), maligning, slander, smearing, traducing, vilification, vilifying aspersion, innuendo, muck, mud, smearbackbiting, detractionabuse, invective, vituperationattack, censure, criticism, denunciation, hatchet jobcontempt, disdain, scornbelittlement, denigration, disparagementcattiness, despite, hatefulness, malevolence, malice, maliciousness, malignancy, malignity, meanness, nastiness, spite, spitefulness, spleen, venom, viciousness acclaim, accolade, applause, commendation, praiseesteem, honor, respectadulation, flatteryadoration, reverence, veneration, worship the use of personal attacks or insults in order to undermine an opponentrefused to resort to character assassination even if it meant losing his bid for governor mudslinging, name-calling defamation, libel, maligning, slander, smearing, vilificationbelittlement, detraction, disparagementabuse, invective, vituperationcensure, denunciation, revilementaspersion, innuendo |