例句 |
charactersnounpl. of character a written or printed mark that is meant to convey information to the readerthe pictorial characters of the ancient Egyptians had long been a mystery a person of odd or whimsical habitsthe junk dealer is certainly a character, but he's as honest as they come codgers, crackbrains, crackpots, cracks, cranks, eccentrics, flakes, fruitcakes, head cases, kooks, nutcases, nuts, nutters(British slang), oddballs, oddities, originals, quizzes, screwballs, weirdos, zanies bohemians, mavericks, nonconformists, quixotescoots, geezerscurios, raritiesfreaksfantasticoes, fantasts odd ducks, pieces of work conformers, conformists, followers, sheep overall quality as seen or judged by people in generalthe general character of the business appears to be good fames, marks, names, notes, odors, reports, reps(slang), reputations, reputes credits, honorscelebrities, notorieties, renownsimages, personae(or personas)admirations, regards, reverences discredit, disgraces, dishonors, disreputes, ignominies, infamies, obloquies, odiums, opprobriums, reproaches, shames something that sets apart an individual from others of the same kindone of the distinguishing characters of mammals affections, attributes, attributions, characteristics, criteria(also criterions), diagnostics, differentiae, features, fingerprints, hallmarks, markers, marks, notes, particularities, peculiarities, points, properties, qualities, specifics, stamps, touches, traits badges, indications, signsemblems, symbols, tokenscharms, gracesexcellences, merits, virtueseccentricities, idiosyncrasies, oddities, quirksindividualities, singularities the set of qualities that makes a person, a group of people, or a thing different from othersthe basic character of the work requires that an employee be able to work quietly and independently clays, colors, complexions, constitutions, geniuses(or genii), natures, personalities, selves, tones individualities, singularitiesattributes, characteristics, earmarks, essentialities, features, flavors, hallmarks, marks, points, properties, savors(also savours), stamps, traitsdispositions, grains, sorts, temperaments, temperscompositions, makeupsessences, essentialities, interiorities, interiors, souls, spiritsmetals, stuff, substanceshabits, ways a member of the human raceyou wouldn't believe what kind of characters hang around the bus station babies, beings, birds, bodies, bods(British), cookies, creatures, customers, devils, ducks, eggs, faces, fish(or fishes), guys, heads, human beings, humans, individuals, lives, men, mortals, parties, people, personages, scouts, slobs, sorts, souls, specimens, stiffs, things, wights hominids, homos, humanoidsbrothers(also brethren), fellowmen, fellows, neighborscelebrities, personalities, selves, somebodies sons of man animals, beasties, beasts, brutes, critters charactersverbpresent tense third-person singular of characterto point out the chief quality or qualities of an individual or groupformerly charactered as "the dark ages," that period of history may not have been quite so benighted as once thought characterizes, defines, depicts, describes, portrays, represents categorizes, classifies, pigeonholes, typescolors, identifies, indicates, names, specifiesdistinguishes, individualizes, marks, particularizes, stamps |