例句 |
chatsnounpl. of chat friendly, informal conversation or an instance of thisshort chats between parents and teachers during the school's open house backchat, cackle, causeries, chatter, chin music, chin-wag(slang), chitchats, confabs, confabulations, gab, gabfests, gossip, jangle, jaws, natters(chiefly British), palavers, patter, raps, schmoozes, small talk, table talk, talks, tête-à-têtes colloquies, conferences, discourses, parleys, powwows, symposia(or symposiums)debates, dialogues(also dialogs), exchanges, give-and-takescrosstalk, happy talkyaks(also yacks), yammers, yaps talking or a talk between two or more peoplea fireside chat between two of America's foremost men of letters colloquies, conversations, converses, dialogues(also dialogs), discourses, discussions, exchanges banters, chaff, cross fires, give-and-takes, persiflages, railleries, reparteesconferences, parleys, powwowsbabbles, chatter, chin-wag(slang), chitchats, confabulations, gabfests, gossip, natters(chiefly British), palavers, prates, prattles, raps, small talk, table talkround-robins, roundtables(or less commonly round tables), symposia(or symposiums)debates, deliberations chatsverbpresent tense third-person singular of chatto engage in casual or rambling conversationthe coffeehouse became the favored place to meet friends and chat for hours babbles, blabs, cackles, chaffers(British), chatters, chins(slang), converses, gabbles, gabs, gases(or gasses), jabbers, jaws, kibitzes(also kibbitzes), natters, palavers, patters, prates, prattles, raps, rattles, runs on, schmoozes(or shmoozes), talks, twitters, visits gossips, tattlesdescants, discusses, expatiatesyaks(also yacks), yammers, yaps blows smoke, chews the fat(also chews the rag), shoots the breeze, talks a blue streak to speak rapidly, inarticulately, and usually unintelligiblylost in his own world, the toddler chatted happily for hours babbles, bumbles, chatters, drivels, drools, gabbles, gibbers, jabbers, prattles, sputters blabbers, blathers, bleats, blithers, gabs, jangles, jaws, patters, prates, rattles, runs on, smatters, tittle-tattles, trolls, yaks(also yacks)chunters(British), maunders, mouths, mumbles, murmurs, muttersstammers, stuttersscreeches, shouts, shrieks articulates, enunciates, pronounces |