例句 |
cheapensverbpresent tense third-person singular of cheapen to diminish the price or value ofa glutted market cheapened cranberries to the point where they were selling for less than what it cost to grow them attenuates, breaks, depreciates, depresses, devaluates, devalues, downgrades, lowers, marks down, reduces, sinks, writes down, writes off debases, demonetizesunderestimates, underprices, underrates, undervaluesabridges, compresses, contracts, de-escalates, deflates, downsizes, dwindles, lessens, moderates, shrinks appreciates, enhances, marks up, upgrades bloats, blows up, inflatesoverestimates, overprices, overrates, overvaluesadds, aggrandizes, amplifies, augments, balloons, boosts, compounds, dilates, enlarges, escalates, expands, extends, heightens, increases, maximizes, multiplies, raises, swells, ups to lower in character, dignity, or qualitya politician who would cheapen herself by caving in to lobbyists abases, bastardizes, cankers, corrupts, debases, debauches, degrades, demeans, demoralizes, depraves, deteriorates, lessens, perverts, poisons, profanes, prostitutes, subverts, vitiates, warps befouls, begrimes, contaminates, defiles, dilutes, dirties, pollutes, taints, thins, waters down, weakensdescendsdisgraces, dishonors, humbles, humiliates, shames, takes downblemishes, damages, defaces, destroys, flaws, harms, hurts, impairs, mars, ruins, spoils, stains, tarnishes, wrecksdepreciates, downgrades elevates, ennobles, uplifts dignifies, exalts, honorsameliorates, amends, betters, enhances, enriches, improves, meliorates, perfectsclarifies, cleans, cleanses, purifies, refines, restoresrespects to reduce to a lower standing in one's own eyes or in others' eyesshe really cheapens herself by shamelessly pursuing men like that abases, chastens, debases, degrades, demeans, discredits, disgraces, dishonors, fouls, humbles, humiliates, lowers, shames, sinks, smirches, takes down abashes, confounds, confuses, discomfits, disconcerts, discountenances, embarrasses, fazes, flusters, mortifies, nonpluses(or nonplusses), rattlesbelittles, castigates, cries down, criticizes, decries, depreciates, detracts, diminishes, discounts, disparages, minimizes, puts down, ridicules, writes offbad-mouths, defames, defiles, libels, maligns, slandersaffronts, insultscensures, condemns, damns, denounces, execrates, reprehends, reprobates aggrandizes, canonizes, deifies, elevates, exalts acclaims, applauds, boasts, celebrates, cheers, cites, commends, compliments, congratulates, decorates, eulogizes, extols(also extolls), fetes(or fêtes), hails, honors, lauds, praises, salutes, toutsacknowledges, recognizeshighlights, plays up, spotlightsdignifies, ennobles, enshrines, enskies, enthrones, glorifies, magnifiesadvances, boosts, lifts, promotes, raises, upgrades, upliftsidealizes, romanticizes |