

单词 group
例句 groupverb

to arrange or assign according to typeyou should first group the invertebrates by genus

assort, break down, categorize, class, classify, codify, compartment, compartmentalize, digest, distinguish, distribute, grade, peg, place, range, rank, relegate, separate, sort, type

array, dispose, draw up, marshal(also marshall), order, organize, systematizealphabetize, catalog(or catalogue), file, index, list, referpigeonhole, shelveidentify, recognizecull, screen, set, sieve, sift, winnowclump, cluster, colligaterecategorize, reclassify, regroupsubcategorize

confuse, disarrange, jumble, lump, mix (up), scramblemisclassify, missort, mistype

to bring together in one body or placegroup the kids together and we'll see if they're all here

accumulate, amass, assemble, bulk (up), collect, concentrate, congregate, constellate, corral, garner, gather, lump, pick up, round up

ball, batch, bunch, cluster, huddleheap, pile, stackband, brigade, muster, raise, rallyflock, herd, hive, pack, press, swarm, throngcombine, connect, join, link, merge, pool, unitearchive, arrange, collate, compile, organize, systematizescrape (up or together)re-collect, regather, regroup

get together

dispel, disperse, dissipate, scatter

break up, disband, disintegrate, dissolve, separate, sever, split (up)dismiss, send


a number of things considered as a unitcar buffs stood around admiring a group of classic cars in the parking lot

array, assemblage, band, bank, batch, battery, block, bunch, clot, clump, cluster, clutch, collection, constellation, grouping, huddle, knot, lot, muster, package, parcel, passel, set, suite

accumulation, aggregate, aggregation, conglomerationagglomeration, assortment, hodgepodge, jumble, miscellany, mixture, odds and ends, sundries, varietycycle, run, series, suit

the whole kit and caboodle

entity, item, single, unit

a usually small number of persons considered as a unitthe next tour group was being seated for dinner

array, band, batch, battery, body, boodle, bunch, cluster, clutch, consort, constellation, crop, grouping, huddle, knot, lot, parcel, party, passel

assembly, collective, congregation, gathering, muster, organizationcircle, clan, clique, coterie, fellowship, gang, ring, round, setfaction, guild(also gild), order, school, sectbrigade, crew, outfit, phalanx, platoon, posse, task force, teamalliance, bloc, coalition, confederacy, confederation, federation, league, unionbattalion, squadronbevy, brood, covey

the whole kit and caboodle

individual, single

one of the units into which a whole is divided on the basis of a common characteristicyou'll find both good and bad in every ethnic group

bracket, category, class, classification, division, family, genus, grade, kind, league, order, rank(s), rubric, set, species, tier, type

description, feather, ilk, kidney, like, manner, nature, sortbranch, section, speciality, specialty, subclass, subdivision, subgroup, subspecies, varietybreed, racegenerationheading, label, title

in 1668





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