例句 |
outmatchverb to be greater, better, or stronger thanbelieves Secretariat would outmatch any other horse in racing history beat, better, eclipse, exceed, excel, outclass, outdistance, outdo, outgun, outshine, outstrip, overtop, surpass, top, tower (over), transcend one-up, outpace, outrace, outrun, overpassbest, clobber, conquer, crush, defeat, drub, lick, master, outcompete, outperform, overcome, overmatch, prevail (over), rout, shame, skunk, subdue, surmount, thrash, trim, triumph (over), trounce, wallop, whip, win (against), worstoutbalance, outweigh, overbear, overshadow, trump go one better, run circles around(or run rings around) lose (to) in 1593 |