例句 |
travailsnounpl. of travail a state of great suffering of body or mindno greater travail than that of parents who have suffered the death of a child afflictions, agonies, anguishes, distresses, excruciations, hurts, miseries, pains, racks, straits, torments, tortures, tribulations, woes discomfortscrosses, crucibles, trialsheartaches, heartbreaks, sorrowsemergencies, pinchesasperities, difficulties, hardships, rigorsaches, pangs, stitches, throes, twingesdangers, jeopardies, troubles comforts, consolations, solacesalleviations, assuagements, eases, reliefspeaces, securitieswell-beings very hard or unpleasant workthese villagers now have decent housing, so our travail has not been in vain donkeyworks, drudgeries, drudges, fatigues, grinds, labors, moils, slaveries, sweats, toils spadeworksefforts, exertions, pains, struggles, troubleschores, duties, jobs, obligations, responsibilitiesroutines, tediums, treadmills fun, plays decompressions, eases, leisures, relaxations, reposes, restsamusements, dalliances, diversions, entertainments, recreations, sportsdormancies, inactivities, inertias the act or process of giving birth to childrena midwife assisted her throughout her long travail accouchements, childbearings, childbirths, deliveries, labors, parturitions birth pangs, contractions, painspregnanciesabortions, miscarriagescesarean sections(or caesarean sections), natural childbirthschildbeds, confinements, lyings-in(or lying-ins) travailsverbpresent tense third-person singular of travailto devote serious and sustained effortLabor Day is the day on which we recognize those men and women who daily travail with little appreciation or compensation bangs away, beavers (away), digs (away), drudges, endeavors, fags, grubs, humps, hustles, labors, moils, pegs (away), plods, plows, plugs, slaves, slogs, strains, strives, struggles, sweats, toils, tugs, works applies (oneself), buckles (down), digs in, hammers (away), knuckles down, pitches inattacks, drivesessays, triesexercises, exerts, overexerts, overworksekes out, grinds (out), puts out, scrabbles, scratchestrudges, wades sweats blood breaks, eases (up), lets up, slackensbums, chills, dallies, dillydallies, footles, goldbricks, goofs (off), hacks (around), hangs (around or out), idles, lazes, loafs, lounges, shirks, slacks (off), vegges out(or veges out)basks, lolls, relaxes, reposes, rests, unwindsdabbles, doodles, fools around, fribbles, goofs (around), hangs, hangs about(British), messes around, monkeys (around), plays, potters (around), putters (around), trifles |