例句 |
significantlyadverb to a large extent or degreeThe recipe made significantly more cookies than I was expecting. The vet informed us that Fluffy was significantly overweight and would need to be put on a diet. considerably, extensively, substantiallyabsolutely, altogether, completely, downright, entirely, flat-out, fully, positively, purely, radically, thoroughly, totally, utterly, whollydeeply, profoundlyexceptionally, notably, remarkablyappreciably, discernibly, markedly, noticeably, obviously, palpably, plainly, visiblyabundantly, plentifullyastronomically, grandly, monstrously, monumentallyexcessively, obscenely, overmuchamazingly, astonishingly, staggeringlyachingly, almighty, archly, awful, awfully, badly, beastly, blisteringly, bone, colossally, corking, cracking, damn, damned, dang, deadly, desperately, eminently, enormously, especially, ever, exceedingly(also exceeding), extra, extremely, fabulously, fantastically, far, fiercely, filthy, frightfully, full, greatly, heavily, highly, hugely, immensely, incredibly, intensely, jolly, majorly, mightily, mighty, monstrous(chiefly dialect), mortally, most, much, particularly, passing, rattling, real, really, right, roaring, roaringly, seriously, severely, so, sore, sorely, spanking, specially, stinking, such, super, supremely, surpassingly, terribly, that, thumping, too, unco, uncommonly, vastly, very, vitally, way, whacking, wicked, wildly barely, hardly, just, marginally, minimally, scarcelylittle, negligibly, nominally, slightly, somewhatmeagerly, scantily in 1577 |