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silencenoun incapacity for or restraint from speakingthe violinist expects complete silence from the audience during his concerts dumbness, muteness, speechlessness, stillness inarticulacy, inarticulateness, voicelessnessreserve, reticence, reticency, taciturnity communication, speaking, talkingeloquence, fluency, volubilitychattiness, garrulousness, loquaciousness, loquacity, talkativeness, talkinessverboseness, verbosity, windiness, wordiness the near or complete absence of soundthe silence of the garden was refreshing after the din of the party inside hush, quiet, quietness, quietude, still, stillness calm, lull, peace, peacefulness, tranquillity(or tranquility) noise, sound, unquietness babel, blare, bluster, cacophony, chatter, clamor, clangor, din, hubbub, racket, rattle, roar, tumult, uproar the quality or state of being mostly or completely unknownthe book eventually vanished into the silence that awaits best sellers whose time has past anonymity, facelessness, namelessness, nowhere, nowheresville, obscurity oblivioninconspicuousness, invisibility, invisiblenessinsignificanceunpopularity celebrity, fame, notoriety, renown character, mark, name, note, rep(slang), report, reputation, reputefavor, popularityimportance, significancedistinction, eminence, glory, greatness, honor, illustriousness, note, preeminence, prominencemegastardom, superstardomcachet, kudos, position, prestige, rank, standing, statureacclaim, acknowledgment(or acknowledgement), praise, recognitionadoration, idolization silenceverbto stop the noise or speech ofthe instructor quickly silenced anyone who tried to interrupt we need to have a repairman come and silence that door alarm dumb, extinguish, hush, mute, quell, quiet, quieten(chiefly British), settle, shush, shut up, squelch, still agitate, stir to put a stop to (something) by the use of forcebrutally silenced all political dissent in the country clamp down (on), crack down (on), crush, put down, quash, quell, repress, slap down, snuff (out), squash, squelch, subdue, suppress douse(also dowse), extinguish, put out, quenchsmother, stifle, strangle, throttleannihilate, decimate, demolish, desolate, destroy, devastate, nuke, rub out, ruin, smash, waste, wreckexterminate, obliterate, wipe outconquer, dominate, overcome, overpower, overwhelm, subjugate, vanquish sit on abet, aid, assist, back, help, prop up, supportfoment, incite, instigate, provoke, stir, whip (up)advance, cultivate, encourage, forward, foster, further, nourish, nurture, promote in the 13th century |