例句 |
cheeseparingnoun the quality or practice of being overly sparing with moneyEbenezer Scrooge is portrayed as a taskmaster so dedicated to cheeseparing that he would prefer that his employees freeze to death rather than splurge on heat cheapness, closeness, miserliness, niggardliness, parsimony, penny-pinching, penuriousness, pinching, stinginess, tightfistedness, tightness conserving, economizing, economy, frugality, husbandry, providence, scrimping, skimping, thriftconservation, savinghusbanding, managing bountifulness, bounty, generosity, largesse(also largess), liberality, openhandedness, openheartedness, philanthropy, unselfishnessextravagance, lavishnessdissipation, improvidence, prodigality, squandering, wastefulness in 1800 |