例句 |
chimes inverbpresent tense third-person singular of chime in to cause a disruption in a conversation or discussion"I don't like that show at all," my friend chimed in breaks in, chips in(chiefly British), cuts in, interposes, interrupts, intrudes barges (in), bothers, horns inadds, contributes, puts in to form a pleasing relationshipunfortunately, his views on child rearing don't chime in with those of his new wife, who has two children from a previous marriage agrees, assorts, blends, chimes, conforms, consorts, coordinates, grooves, harmonizes balances, correlates, corresponds, dovetails, hangs together, matchesmeets, parallelsbonds, coalesces, coheres, conjoins, fuses, merges, squares, tallies clashes, collides, conflicts contradicts, contrasts, counters, differs, diverges, jarscancels (out), counteracts, negates, offsets |