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chipnoun a small flat piece separated from a wholewood chips were spread over the ground between the plants flake, sliver, spall, splint, splinter bit, disk(or disc), fragment, part, particle, portion, scrap, section, shardflinders, shiver, smithereensshred, tatterclipping, paring, shave, shaving, snippetleaf, sheet, slice chunk, hunk, lump, slab a V-shaped cut usually on an edge or a surfacewatch out for the chip on the rim of that drinking glass hack, indent, indentation, indenture, kerf, nick, notch joggle, nock, punch, snipgroove, score, undercutslit, slot chips pl.something (as pieces of stamped metal or printed paper) customarily and legally used as a medium of exchange, a measure of value, or a means of paymentwas in the chips after hitting it big in the lottery bread(slang), bucks, cabbage(slang), cash, change, coin, currency, dough, gold, green, jack(slang), kale(slang), legal tender, lolly(British), long green(slang), loot, lucre, money, moola(or moolah, slang), needful, pelf, scratch(slang), shekels(also sheqels or shekelim or shekalim or sheqalim), tender, wampum coinage, speciedead presidents(slang), folding money, paper money, scripbanknote, cashier's check, check, draft, money order, note, promissory notebill, dollar, greenbackbankroll, capital, finances, funds, roll(slang), wad, walletchump change, dibs(slang), dime, mite, peanuts, pittance, shoestringbig bucks, bomb(British), boodle, bundle, earth, fortune, king's ransom, megabucks, mint, packet(chiefly British), pile, potabundance, means, opulence, riches, treasure, wealthresources, wherewithalmad money, petty cash, pin money, pocket money, spending money in the 14th century |