例句 |
guerrillanounor guerilla a member of a usually small group of soldiers who do not belong to a regular army and who fight in a war as an independent unitThe guerrillas controlled half the country. counterguerrilla(also counterguerilla), irregular, paramilitary, partisan(also partizan)dogface, fighter, legionary, legionnaire, man-at-arms, regular, serviceman, soldier, trooper, warriorservicewomancarabineer(or carabinier), cavalier, cavalryman, cuirassier, dragoondoughboy, footman, foot soldier, grunt, infantrymancommando, raiderjarhead(slang), marine, rangerartilleryman, cannoneer, gunner, mortarman, musketeer, riflemanarcher, crossbowmanlancer, pikeman, spearmanConfederate, Continental, Federal, GI, guardsman, militiaman, minutemanbelligerent, combatantlifer, veteran, warhorseconscript, draftee, enrollee, recruitreservistchampion, knightdigger(chiefly Australian & New Zealand), gallowglass, gendarme civilian, noncombatant in 1809 |