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guessesnounpl. of guess an opinion or judgment based on little or no evidenceif you don't know the answer for sure, just make a guess conjectures, shots, suppositions, surmises hypotheses, hypotheticals, theories, thesesdead reckonings, guesswork, speculationshunches, intuitionsbeliefs, faiths shots in the dark guessesverbpresent tense third-person singular of guessto form an opinion from little or no evidencethough she does not speak with an accent, I would still guess that she is a foreigner assumes, conjectures, daresays, imagines, presumes, speculates, supposes, surmises, suspects, suspicions(chiefly dialect) concludes, deduces, gathers, infershypothecates, hypothesizes, theorizesbelieves, conceives, expects, judges, reckons(chiefly dialect), takes, thinks demonstrates, documents, establishes, proves, substantiates, validatesascertains, determines, finds out, learns to decide the size, amount, number, or distance of (something) without actual measurementI would guess the road goes for about two miles before you have to take a left calculates, calls, conjectures, estimates, figures, gauges(also gages), judges, makes, places, puts, reckons, supposes concludes, deduces, extrapolates, gathers, infers, reasons, understands calibrates, measures, scalescomputes, works out to have as an opinionI never would have guessed that she was capable of such a terrible thing allows(chiefly Southern & Midland), believes, conceives, considers, deems, esteems, feels, figures, holds, imagines, judges, reckons(chiefly dialect), supposes, thinks regards, viewsaccepts, perceivesdepends, relies, trustsassumes, presumes, presupposes, surmisesconcludes, deduces, infers distrusts, doubts, mistrusts, questions, suspectsdisbelieves, discredits, rejects |