例句 |
guestnoun a person who visits anotherinvited the afternoon guests to stay for dinner caller, drop-in, frequenter, visitant, visitor houseguestcompanyinviteecrasher, hanger-on denizen, dweller, habitant, inhabitant, occupant, resident, residercohost, cohostess, host, hostess a person who buys a product or uses a service from a businessthe headwaiter will seat the guests as soon as the waitress clears and sets a table for them account, client, customer, patron, punter(chiefly British) consumer, end user, userbuyer, correspondent, purchaser, vendeebrowser, prospect, shopper, window-shopperbargainer, hagglerregular broker, merchant, seller, vendor(also vender)shopkeeper, tradesmanblack marketer(or black marketeer), fence in the 13th century |