例句 |
guestsnounpl. of guest a person who visits anotherinvited the afternoon guests to stay for dinner callers, drop-ins, frequenters, visitants, visitors houseguestscompaniesinviteescrashers, hangers-on denizens, dwellers, habitants, inhabitants, occupants, residents, residerscohostesses(or co-hostesses), cohosts(or co-hosts), hostesses, hosts a person who buys a product or uses a service from a businessthe headwaiter will seat the guests as soon as the waitress clears and sets a table for them accounts, clients, customers, patrons, punters(chiefly British) consumers, end users, usersbuyers, correspondents, purchasers, vendeesbrowsers, prospects, shoppers, window-shoppersbargainers, hagglersregulars brokers, merchants, sellers, vendors(also venders)shopkeepers, tradesmenblack marketers(or black marketeers), fences |