例句 |
guisenoun a display of emotion or behavior that is insincere or intended to deceivehe allowed himself to dine at fine restaurants all over the world under the guise of research for his book on international cuisine act, airs, charade, disguise, facade(also façade), front, masquerade, playacting, pose, pretense(or pretence), put-on, semblance, show impersonation, performance, portrayalimage, personaappearance, color, glosscamouflage, cloakaffectation, deceit, deception, dissembling, dissimulation, double-dealing, duplicity, fakery, fraud, guilebetrayal, double cross, faithlessness, falseness, falsity, infidelity, perfidy, treachery, treason, unfaithfulnessexcuse, pretext bluntness, candidness, candor, directness, forthrightness, frankness, openheartedness, outspokenness, plainspokenness, sincerity, straightforwardnessartlessness, genuineness, naïveté(also naivete or naiveté) clothing chosen as appropriate for a specific situationshe felt as though she should be wearing some sort of Germanic guise, complete with dirndl, for the fall festival featuring traditional German food and drink costume, drag, dress, garb, getup, outfit, togs apparel, attire, clothes, duds, habiliment(s), raimentfashion, mode, stylearray, caparison, vestments clothing put on to hide one's true identity or imitate someone or something elsehe sneaked into the castle to rescue Ivanhoe in the guise of a priest coming to give Ivanhoe his last rites camouflage, costume, disguise domino, mask, veil, visor(also vizor), vizardcostumery, dress, getup, outfit, rigcoloring, cosmetic, makeup, paint outward and often deceptive indicationhazing rituals may have the guise of harmless fun, but often the reality is serious physical abuse appearance, face, name, outward, seeming, semblance, show air, effect, impressionhint, implication, insinuation, resemblance, suggestionaffectation, demonstration, display, fiction, image, imitation, imposture, likeness, make-believe(also make-belief), pose, pretense(or pretence), representation, simulationcloak, disguise, exterior, facade(also façade), front, gloss, mask, masquerade, patina, Potemkin village, shape, shell, surface, veneer first blush in the 13th century |