例句 |
gumptionnoun chiefly dialectthe ability to make intelligent decisions especially in everyday mattersthe company needs a new leader with the gumption and know-how that comes from experience common sense, discreetness, discretion, horse sense, levelheadedness, nous(chiefly British), policy, prudence, sense, sensibleness, wisdom, wit street smartsfarsightedness, forehandedness, foresight, foresightedness, forethoughtfulness, judgment(or judgement)brains, gray matter, intelligencelogicality, logicalness, practicality, rationality, rationalnessdiscernment, discrimination, insight, sagacity, sapienceacumen, astuteness, clearheadedness, keenness, penetration, perspicacity, shrewdnesscare, caution, circumspection, precaution, premeditation imprudence, indiscretion shortsightednessbrainlessness, foolishness, half-wittedness, idiocy, senselessness, stupiditycarelessness, heedlessnessunreasonableness in 1719 |