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vocabularynoun the special terms or expressions of a particular group or fieldscientific vocabulary argot, cant, dialect, jargon, jive, language, lingo, patois, patter, shop, shoptalk, slang, terminology colloquial, colloquialism, idiom, localism, parlance, pidgin, provincialism, regionalism, speech, vernacular, vernacularismslanguagebureaucratese, computerese, cyberspeak, educationese, governmentese, journalese, technobabble the stock of words, pronunciation, and grammar used by a people as their basic means of communicationchildren learn enough of the common vocabulary to make themselves understood by around the age of two language, lingo, mother tongue, speech, tongue acrolectargot, cant, colloquial, dialect, idiolect, idiom, jargon, parlance, patois, patter, pidgin, slang, slanguage, vernacularcolloquialism, localism, provincialism, regionalism, shibboleth, vernacularismterminologycoinage, modernism, neologism in 1532 |