例句 |
vocaladjective expressed or communicated by voiceour cat is given to making strange vocal noises in the dead of night oral, spoken, uttered, voiced articulated, enunciated, pronounced, sonantbreathed, chirped, drawled, gasped, intoned, mouthed, mumbled, murmured, muttered, purred, shouted, spluttered, sputtered, squeaked, whispered nonvocal inarticulatemute, quiet, silentunexpressed, unsaid, unspoken, unuttered, unvoicedsurd, voiceless vocalnouna short musical composition for the human voice often with instrumental accompanimenta recording artist who arranges his own vocals ballad, ditty, jingle, lay, lyric, song anthem, cantata, canticle, carol, chorale, hymn, noel, psalm, spiritualdirge, lament, requiem, threnodyhallelujah, paeanaria, art song, barcarole(or barcarolle), blues, chanson, chant, chantey(or chanty or shanty), chorus, croon, descant(also discant), folk song, glee, lullaby, madrigal, motet, part-song, pop, rocker, round, roundelay, serenade, standarddrinking song, fight songtorch songcover, medley, remix in the 15th century |