例句 |
vocalsnounpl. of vocal a short musical composition for the human voice often with instrumental accompanimenta recording artist who arranges his own vocals ballads, ditties, jingles, lays, lyrics, songs anthems, cantatas, canticles, carols, chorales, hymns, noels, psalms, spiritualsdirges, laments, requiems, threnodieshallelujahs, paeansarias(also arie), art songs, barcaroles(or barcarolles), blues, chansons, chanteys(or chanties or shanties), chants, choruses, croons, descants(also discants), folk songs, glees, lullabies, madrigals, motets, part-songs, pops, rockers, roundelays, rounds, serenades, standardsdrinking songs, fight songstorch songscovers, medleys, remixes |